Divi Custom Post Types Documentation
Module Settings
Like all Divi modules, this plugin has a lot of settings. Here, we will go through all the settings that may not be familiar to Divi users.
Post Types Tab
Choose how you would like to sort posts. You have the following options
Order By
- Title
- Date
- Random
- Meta Value Number
- Meta Value
If you choose either of the meta value options, an extra text box will appear (Meta Key).
Type the slug of the meta key you would like to sort by.
You can sort in ascending or descending order.
After the above options you should see a list of your Custom Post Types with On/Off Switches. If you do not see any please make sure you have created a custom post type or contact Coded for help.
Once you’ve turned one of your post types on, you will see the taxonomies for the particular post type with the associated terms of each taxonomy with checkboxes.
By ticking these checkboxes you are selecting the post types to display.
You have two choices for layout. Grid or Full width
By default, grid is selected. If using grid, you will see the following option.
Grid Columns
Choose the amount of columns you want to use to display your posts. Also, make sure to set these for tablet and mobile.
If you instead use full width, you will be presented with the following option.
Full width columns
You can choose to display the content of each post in either 1 or two columns.
If you choose 2 columns, you will be able to choose which side a particular element goes on. For example, you can have the post title on the left and the featured image on the right.
This section lets you control pagination for your post types. If you are unfamiliar with pagination, it gives you the ability to create a number of pages to display your posts. For example, you may have 12 posts to display but think that they take up too much room. So, instead, you could use pagination to display 4 posts per page. You would then see at the bottom clickable numbers which lets the user navigate between pages.
Show Pagination
If you choose to turn pagination off, you will get the following options.
Post Offset Number
This lets you offset your posts by which ever number you choose.
Posts Number
The total number of posts to display.
If you choose Yes for show pagination, you will get the following options.
Posts per page
Controls how many posts will be shown per paginated page.
Use Next/Prev Pagination Links
Displays or hides the next and previous buttons for pagination
This section lets you control which parts of each post are displayed. If you selected full width 2 columns, you will see some extra settings. These will be marked below.
Display Featured Image
This settings lets you choose to show the featured image for a post or not. If a post doesn’t have a featured image set, no image will be shown
Featured Image Position (Full width, 2 Columns)
This setting lets you choose which side to put the featured image on.
Display Content
This setting lets you choose to show the post’s content or not. If on, you will see some extra options as described below.
Use Content or Excerpt
You have the option of showing the posts content, or using the posts excerpts. Note, the excerpts are automatically generated by setting the Excerpt Length setting below. However, you can override this and display your own excerpts by turning on the Use Post Excerpts.
Use Post Excerpts
If your post type has excerpts enabled (this can be turned on in custom post type ui) then you will be able to write your own excerpts of each post. If you turn this setting on, the plugin will first look to see if a post type has a user defined excerpt and if so use it, else it will create one out of the content.
Excerpt Length
This setting lets you choose the length in characters of content you want to display for each post. The default is set to 270.
Content Position (Full width, 2 columns)
Choose if you want you the content to show in the left or right column.
Display Title
Choose whether to show the title for each post.
Title Position (Full width, 2 columns)
Choose if you want the title to show in the left or right column.
Display Read More
Choose whether you want a read more link to show.
Read More Position (Full width, 2 columns)
Choose if you want the read more link to show on the left or right column.
Read More Text
You can choose the text you want to display for the read more link. By default, it is set to Read More.
Post Meta
Display ACF
If you are using the advanced custom fields plugin to display custom content on your posts, you can display it by using this setting.
ACF Fields Position (Full width, 2 columns)
Choose if you want the ACF fields to show on the right or left column.
ACF Slug Above Content
Type in the slug of the custom field you want to display. This will appear above the content.
ACF Below Label
If required, you can type in a label for your ACF Field
ACF Slug Below Content
Type in the slug of the custom field you want to display. This will appear below the content.
ACF Below Label
If required, you can type in a label for your ACF Field
Display Taxonomy Terms
This setting will display the taxonomy terms that match each post type (will only show the turned on terms).
Taxonomy Terms Position
Choose if you want the taxonomy terms to show in the left or right column.
Taxonomy Terms Delimiter
This setting lets you choose a delimiter to separate multiple taxonomy terms.
Display Post Meta
Lets you turn off all post meta options (author, date, comments). You will have finer control over which is turned on/off by turning this setting on.
Post Meta Delimiter
This setting lets you choose a delimiter to separate the post meta options.
Post Meta Position
Choose if you want the post meta options to show in the left or right column.
Display Date
Lets you show the date the post was created
Display Comments
Lets you show the number of comments the post has
Display Author
Lets you show the author of the post